12th Biology Question Paper Pattern


Chapter-wise Distribution of Marks:

Chapter No. Chapter Marks Marks With Option
1Reproduction in Lower and Higher Plants68
2Reproduction in Lower and Higher Animals68
3Inheritance and Variation46
4Molecular Basis of Inheritance46
5Origin and Evolution of Life46
6Plant Water Relation57
7Plant Growth and Mineral Nutrition57
8Respiration and Circulation710
9Control and Co-ordination811
10Human Health and Diseases34
11Enhancement of Food Production46
13Organisms and Populations34
14Ecosystems and Energy Flow34
15Biodiversity, Conservation and Environmental Issues34

Question-wise Distribution of Marks

Type of questionsMarks for each questionsNumber of questionsTotal Marks
MCQ2 Marks eachQ. No. 1 (i to x)10Marks
VSA1 Mark eachQ. No. 2 (i to viii)08 Marks
SA- I2 Marks eachQ. No. 3 to 1424 Marks
SA -II3 Marks eachQ. No. 15 to 2636 Marks
LA4 Marks eachQ. No. 27 to 3120 Marks

Question Paper Pattern (XII)

 Biology (56)

Time- 3 hrs.                                                         Total Marks -70

General Instructions: –
1.The question paper is divided into four sections.
2. Figures to the right indicate full marks.
3. For each MCQ, correct answer must be written along with its alphabet.
e.g., (a)…. / (b) …../ (c)…… / (d)……. Only first attempt will be considered for evaluation.

Section A

Q. No.1 contains Ten multiple choice type of questions carrying One mark each.

Q.No.2 contains Eight very short answer type of questions carrying One mark each.

Section B

Q. No.3 to Q.No.14 contains Twelve short answer type of questions carrying Two marks each. (Attempt any Eight).

 Section C

Q. No.15 to No. 26 contains Twelve short answer type of questions carrying Three marks each. (Attempt any Eight).

 Section D

Q.No.27 to Q.No.31 contains Five long answer type of questions carrying Four marks each. (Attempt any Three).




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