
Poetic Devices/Figures of Speech poem Money 12th English hsc

2.6. Money

Poetic Devices/Figures of Speech:

When I had money, money, O!

Answer: 1. Repetition

For many a false man as a friend

Answer: 1. Simile- a false man is compared to a friend.

Then felt I like a child that holds

Answer: 1. Inversion- rearrangement of words for poetic effect.

Much have I thought of life, and seen

Answer: 1. Inversion- rearrangement of words for poetic effect.

How poor men’s hearts are ever light;

Answer: 1. Alliteration- Repeat ion of the sound ‘h’.

And how their wives do hum like bees

Answer: Onomatopoeia- used the word ‘hum’

Poor men, think I, need not go up

Answer: 1. Inversion- rearrangement of words for poetic effect.

Not speak to let this false world know.

Answer: Metonymy- world does mean people

So much as rich men should come down.

Answer: 1.Metaphor- comparison of coming down and becoming poor. `

But now I have no money, O!

Answer: Exclamation

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