12th Chemistry Question Paper Pattern

Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education, Pune

Sub. : Chemistry (55)

Std. XII


Chapter-wise Distribution of Marks

AreaTopic No.UnitWeightage of Unit Without OptionWeightage of Unit witht Option
Physical Chemistry1Solid State35
Physical Chemistry2Solutions46
Physical Chemistry3Ionic Equilibria46
Physical Chemistry4Chemical Thermodynamics68
Physical Chemistry5Electrochemistry57
Physical Chemistry6Chemical Kinetics46
Inorganic Chemistry7Elements of Group 16,17 & 1868
Inorganic Chemistry8Transition & Inner Transition Elements68
Inorganic Chemistry9Coordination Compounds57
Organic Chemistry10Halogen Derivaties57
Organic Chemistry11Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers46
Organic Chemistry12Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic acids68
Organic Chemistry13Amines34
Applied Chemistry14Biomolecules34
Applied Chemistry15Introduction to Polymer Chemistry34
Applied Chemistry16Green Chemistry and Nano Chemistry34

Section-wise Distribution of Marks

SectionTypes of QuestionNo. of QuestionsMarks for Each QuestionTotal Marks
Section AMCQ101 Mark each10
Very Short Answer81 Mark each8
Section BShort Answer8 out of 122 Marks each16
Section CShort Answer8 out of 123 Marks each24
Section DLong Answer3 out of 44 Marks each12
Total 70

Question Paper Pattern (XII)

Chemistry (55)

Time- 3 hrs.                                                      Total Marks -70
 General Instructions: –
1.The question paper is divided into four sections.
2. Use of log table is allowed. Use of calculator is not allowed.
3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.
4. For each MCQ, correct answer must be written along with its alphabet.
         e.g., (a)…. / (b) …../ (c)…… / (d)……. Only first attempt will be considered for evaluation.

Section A

Q. No.1 contains Ten multiple choice type of questions carrying One mark each.

Q. No.2 contains Eight very short answer type of questions carrying One mark each.

Section B

Q. No.3 to Q.No.14 contains Twelve short answer type of questions carrying Two marks each. (Attempt any Eight

Section C

Q. No.15 to No. 26 contains Twelve short answer type of questions carrying Three marks each. (Attempt any Eight).

Section D

Q.No.27 to Q.No.31contains Five long answer type of questions carrying Four marks each. (Attempt any Three).



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