Big Data-Big Insights


It is an article on big data and its usages in various filed. It explores how the big data has been collected and used in different sector.  We can access data sitting at any corner of the world and can use for different purposes.


What is Big Data?

There is a revolution in the life style of people which has been affected by Big Data. Our food habits, our health care, our travelling, our scientific pursuits, you name it and everything has changed 360 degrees.

The massive data is available with us which are making various wonders in our life.  Every our online activity is recorded. As we like, share, watch or post anything on social media, it’s been get recorded

Big Data can be petabytes or exabytes of data consisting of billions to trillions of records of millions of people- all from different sources, for example web, sales, customer contact centre, social media, mobile data and so on.

Uses of Big Data:

Location Tracking:

Using big data we can identify and track the exact location of a place and a person. GPS and Google Maps make use of Big Data. With the help of geographic positioning and radio frequency identification sensors we get the real-time data about traffic, congestion on a particular route, information if the route is closed or if it is a one-way route, understanding accident prone areas etc. As we order any goods or dish, we can track the location. Big Data has helped the logistics companies to reduce risks in transport, improve speed and reliability in delivery.

Understanding the Weather Patterns:

With the help of weather sensors and satellites set-up we can predict or forecast the impending natural calamities like floods, earthquakes, tsunami etc. Necessary steps can be taken in advance to avoid its consequences. We can study global warming, predict availability of natural resources like water.

Health Care Industry:

The smart watches, health apps and other various wearable in our phone keep on collecting data. They are our own mini biomedical research devices. They detect our heart rate, monitor the patient’s sleep pattern, keep a record of his exercise, the distance walked etc. The analysis of this data collected can give new insights and provide a personalized, individual feedback to each and every person. Nowadays we have gadgets to monitor blood sugar, blood pressure etc. at home; 24 x 7 monitoring can be provided to patients in hospitals too. Big Data has helped the doctors. Big Data has been used in Pharmaceutical companies for research.

Banking, Finance and Trading:

Big Data has enabled smooth functioning of banking, finance and trading sector. Nowadays, Big Data is being used to avoid cyber attacks.


Today we watch any sport matches live seating in our house. Even the data of each sport player in any game is very useful to the player to reflect on one’s performance. This history of one’s performance on the ground helps the entire team. The data is very helpful which is recorded during the live matches.


Big Data is a boon for advertising companies. The advertising companies are able to target their customer through the online activities of all the individuals. Facebook or Instagram feed is filled with ads of the same or similar items as one’s liking.

Entertainment and Media:

It is common to see videos with headings like “Suggested for you” or “Recommended Videos” on YouTube. Which kind of video content we watch on any social platform. It has been maintained or recorded. This helps entertainment industry to analyse which shows get better viewership.

Education Industry:

Even education industry is now from the use of Big Data. We see Big Data has been used in this sector. A record of the way students study and what aids they use more to understand their concepts are useful to the education industry. This make it possible to design course material accordingly. Nowadays, school and colleges are providing their applications for the students to complete their study.


Big Data is a genie in our hands. If it is used in ethical ways, Big Data will continue to benefit humans.


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