Cherry Tree Summary 11th

Cherry Tree

Ruskin Bond

About the Poet:
Ruskin Bond was born in 1934 in Kasauli, Himachal Pradesh. He has written number of short stories, essays, novellas and books for children. He published two volumes of autobiography. He is very well-known for his character created in his work i.e. Rusty. He received the prestigious award, ‘Sahitya Akademi Award’. Even he was awarded the Padmashri in 1999 and Padma Bhushan in 2014. He lives with his adopted family in Musoori, Uttarakhand, India.
When he was eight years, his mother seperated from his father and married to a Punjabi Hindu, Hari. And when he was ten, his father died.
Important Works:
1.The Room on the Roof
2.Our Trees Still Grow in Dehra
3.A Flight of pigeons
4.The Blue Umbrella
5.Angry River

About the Poem:
This poem highlights the joy of the poet over a tree which he plants and that takes eight years to grow. It is a nature poem. The poet expresses his wonder at the ways of nature. Cherry Tree gives him immense joy. The poet tries to explore the various impediments in the life of Cherry Tree.
At the beginning of the poem, we come to know an idea of the poet to plant a tree of his own. He planted a cherry seed in the grass eight years before. That seed might be planted in the backyard of the house. He just watered once and forgot it. He was surprised on the growth of cherry tree. The seed was planted near the end of May. And after passing few days, he saw the sprout of that seed. He said that no one had watered and , taken care that much, yet the seed sprouted.

The poet said that now it became five months old. And that little sapling lost in the tall grass, sometimes goats ate the newly born leaves of the tree, sometimes few grass cutters tries to harm the little plant of cherry tree, but there is no any kind of effect on it. Even there were bad effects of monsoon season. This small cherry tree was having the great energy of growing day by day. Here, the poet has given a kind of message to the readers of this poem that if there are number of difficulties in life, we should not give up. The poet is very optimistic in nature.

In the next spring, there are three new branches on the tree, a sudden growth was seen in the tree which was very significant.

The poet watched the growth of cherry tree. He, further, said that Time and the Rain made a miracle in the life of tree. Next year, the poet was way from his home. he spent a year in Kashmir and came back. Though he was weak, he was very rich having a cherry tree at his home. He saw the height of the tree was six feet. He was unable to believe that there were few flowers on it and a cherry hung to the one of the branches of tree. And again next year, the poet saw blossoms. he was very happy and proud too.

Lying on the grass under the tree, he was feeling relaxed. He was observing each and every leaves and branches of the tree. He observed that birds were chirping on the tree. He was looking through the leaves at the blue sky. He enjoyed watching little birds as they flew branch to branch of the tree. Even he observed the rays of the sun flitted through the dark and green patches of leaves. There were bees busy in drinking the nectar from each bloom or flower. Along with it, the poet was watching various small insects who were singing on the tree. At the end of the poem, we see that the poet was praising all the natural aspects i.e. Night, Stars,and Tree. He was feeling very happy and proud having a cherry tree that grown by him.

This poem presents the ecstasy over a tree which he planted that took eight years to grow. It highlights the wonders of nature.


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