Poetic Devices/Figures of Speech poem The Inchcape Rock 12th English

2.3 The Inchcape Rock

Poetic Devices/Figures of Speech:

No stir in the air, no stir in the sea,

Answer: 1. Alliteration- Repeat ion of the sound ‘s’

2. Repetition – no stir in the sea- this word has been repeated.

The ship was as still as she could be,

Answer: 1. Alliteration- Repeat ion of the sound ‘s’

2. Personification- The sip has been personified with the use of the feminine pronoun ‘she’.


 Her sails from heaven received no motions,

Answer: 1. Inversion- rearrangement of words for poetic effect.

Without either sign or sound of their shock

Answer: 1. Alliteration- Repeat ion of the sound ‘s’

So little they rose, so little they fell,

Answer: 1. Antithesis- use of opposite words ‘rose’ and ‘fell’.

On a buoy in the storm it floated and swung,

Answer: 1. Inversion- rearrangement of words for poetic effect.

And over the waves its warning rung.

Answer: 1. Alliteration- Repeat ion of the sound ‘w’

When the Rock was hid by the surge’s swell,

Answer: 1. Alliteration- Repeat ion of the sound ‘s’ and ‘w’.

 And then they knew the perilous Rock,

Answer: 1. Alliteration- Repeat ion of the sound ‘th’

 The Sun in heaven was shining gay,

Answer: 1. Transferred Epithet- the epithet ‘gay’ has been transferred from ‘people’ to the ‘sun’. The sun is not happy; it is the people who are happy because of the sunlight day.

All things were joyful on that day;

Answer: 1. Personification- The animate quality of being ‘joyful’ has been given to inanimate objects.

The sea-birds scream’d as they wheel’d round,

Answer: 1. Alliteration- Repeat ion of the sound ‘s’.

2. Consonance- ‘d’ has been repeated in the line.

A darker speck on the ocean green;

Answer: 1. Inversion- rearrangement of words for poetic effect.

It made him whistle, it made him sing;

Answer: 1.Onomatopeia- use of the musical word ‘whistle’.

2.Repetition- it made him- repeated

His heart was mirthful to excess,

Answer: 1. Alliteration- Repeat ion of the sound ‘h’.

2. Synecdoche- Sir Ralph who was ‘mirthful’

Quoth he, “My men, put out the boat,

Answer: 1. Alliteration- Repeat ion of the sound ‘m’.

And to the Inchcape Rock they go;

Answer: 1. Inversion- rearrangement of words for poetic effect.

Sir Ralph bent over from the boat,

Answer: 1. Alliteration- Repeat ion of the sound ‘m’.

Down sunk the bell with a gurgling sound.

Answer: 1.Onomatopeia- use of the musical word ‘gurgling’.

 The bubbles rose and burst around;

Answer: 1. Alliteration- Repeat ion of the sound ‘b’.

 He scour’d the seas for many a day;

Answer: 1. Alliteration- Repeat ion of the sound ‘s’.

 He steers his course for Scotland’s shore.

Answer: 1. Alliteration- Repeat ion of the sound ‘b’.

 So thick a haze o’erspreads the sky,

Answer: 1. Inversion- rearrangement of words for poetic effect.

 They cannot see the Sun on high;

Answer: 1. Alliteration- Repeat ion of the sound ‘s’.

 At evening it hath died away.

Answer: 1. Inversion- rearrangement of words for poetic effect.

 On the deck the Rover takes his stand,

Answer: 1. Inversion- rearrangement of words for poetic effect.

 So dark it is they see no land.

Answer: 1. Inversion- rearrangement of words for poetic effect.

 Quoth Sir Ralph, ‘It will be lighter soon,

Answer: 1. Inversion- rearrangement of words for poetic effect.

  For there is the dawn of the rising Moon.’

Answer: 1. Metaphor- the rising of the moon has been compared to ‘dawn.

 ‘Canst hear’, said one, ‘the breakers roar?

Answer: 1. Inversion- rearrangement of words for poetic effect.

 For methinks we should be near the shore’.

Answer: 1. Alliteration- Repeat ion of the sound ‘sh’.

‘Now where we are I cannot tell,

Answer: 1. Alliteration- Repeat ion of the sound ‘w’.

2 . Inversion- rearrangement of words for poetic effect.

 But I wish I could hear the Inchcape Bell’.

Answer: 1. Alliteration- Repeat ion of the sound ‘w’.

 They hear no sound, the swell is strong;

Answer: 1. Alliteration- Repeat ion of the sound ‘s’.

 Though the wind hath fallen they drift along,

Answer: 1. Alliteration- Repeat ion of the sound ‘th’.

 Till the vessel strikes with a shivering shock,-

Answer: 1. Alliteration- Repeat ion of the sound ‘sh’.

 ‘O Christ! it is the Inchcape Rock!’

Answer: 1. Apostrophe

 One dreadful sound could the Rover hear,

Answer: 1. Inversion- rearrangement of words for poetic effect.


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