The Art of Compering

What does mean Compering? 
The person who compers/hosts a show, introduces the programme and the participants, is called the master of ceremonies or the Compere, anchor or announcer.
The role of the anchor is to warm of the crowd amd give them an idea about the programme/function ahead.
Following points will help to master the skills of Compere/anchor:
1. Practice Practice Practice (better in frint of the mirror)
2. Be well prepared, add spontaneous expressions confidently on stage.
3. Develop your own script according to the programme
4. Dress up appropriately for the function/event.
5. Remember that you are not the star of the show but introduce yourself.
6. Address the audience with a smile, suitable expressions, voice modulations and maintain eye contact.
7. Bring pace to your delivery.
8. Control the timing of the proceedings.
 Prerequisites of Compering
• Compering requires language fluency, clarity of thoughts and confidence.
• A basic understanding of the event.
• A simple but dignified style with words that come from the heart.
•Ability to handle all types situations.
• Crucial thing is to keep the audience engaged.
• Use various types of fillers (mimicry items, riddles, anecdotes, fun-facts, jokes, recitation or a small performance to suit the event.)
You can the take help of the following points to prepare your script for Compering:
1. Introduction – A brief introduction to the programme / function / show
2. Welcome speech – Welcome of all guests.
Felicitation – felicitation of the guests (the Principal, Vice Principal etc.)
3. Lighting the lamp
4. Welcome song
5. Main events
6. Vote of thanks


Introduction :

Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. I extend a very warm and heartfelt welcome to you, on behalf of our college. Today we have organised an evening of song, dance and pageantry for you, giving you a quick, exotic taste of India. We welcome you in our midst in the traditional Indian way, with Kumkum tilak on the forehead. It is ‘red’ to signify the auspicious occasion. The ‘aarti’ will remove the evil eye with sacred fire and the trumpet, signalling the beginning of the function.

Lighting of the lamp:

I call upon our chairperson Ms ………… to light the lamp to signify the opening of our event.

About the event:

In this point you have to state about the programme/function/festival in detail


Entry 1 : Let’s get into the mood and enjoy the scintillating Lavani performance!

Now put your hands together for a round of applause for this wonderful performance.

Entry 2 : Nagaland is one of the culturally rich North Eastern states of India. The Jhelian bamboo Naga dance hails from this state.That was an awesome performance.

Entry 3 : Jhelian means butterfly. The dance attempts to imitate the movements of the butterfly and the dancers wear clothes as colorful as a butterfly’s wings. Their movements too are as delicate and graceful as a butterfly’s. The dancers wear costumes made of rabbit skin, deer and other animals. The special attraction of this dance is that, the dancers jump on bamboos as they dance with great energy and stamina.

Give them a huge round of applause.

Entry 4 : Let’s now welcome our vibrant North-Eastern dancers for another captivating performance!

 Entry 5 : Closing address:

We were transported into the world of folk, the natural spring of the human heart.  As we come to the end of this beautiful, colorful evening, let us carry with us memories of a time well spent.

Entry 6 : Vote of thanks:

No programme would be a success without a dedicated team of people who work tirelessly behind the scenes. I take this opportunity to thank each and every member of the organizing team for putting up this brilliant show and transporting us to the plentiful fields of India. We are extremely grateful to our guests for their gracious presence. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank the choreographers, set designers, light operators and the technical support team without whom this programme would not have been possible.

Last, but not the least, thank you audience for being so supportive and responsive.


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